1000 Altar Breads FREE with EACH case of our Muscat Liqueur Altar Wine
Order before 30th April 2025
We are delighted to bring you a Special Offer on our Hyde Liqueur Muscat Wine in MLP bottles. Buy a case of 12 x 75cl and we will add a jar of 1000 People's 1 3/8" Altar Breads worth £15.90 to your order. This is pure wine in accordance with Canon 924 of the 1983 code of Canon Law. Please note that the altar breads won't appear in your basket but will be automatically sent with your order.
Our supplier of the MLP (Multi-Layered PET) bottle also makes for many drinks companies.
Features at a glance:
- Longer shelf life
- Tainting is not an issue
- Lighter to transport / carry and reduces carbon footprint in transport
- Virtually unbreakable – Does not break during handling or transport
- 100% Recyclable
Technical Information:
The MLP® PET (Multi–Layer PET) is a new technology that extends the period of conservation.
- Two layers of polyethylene terephthalate with a layer of nylon in between (the barrier material). The barrier material is composed of a mixture of nylon and a scavenger. This scavenger is used to absorb oxygen coming from the outside of the bottle as well as the oxygen contained in the headspace of the bottle
- 35% Lighter bottle than regular 75cl glass bottle
- Less energy required to manufacture a PET bottle than glass
- PET is inert and easily recycled
- Incorporating recycled PET in production dramatically reduces carbon emissions
So don't delay, ORDER NOW. Offer valid until 30th April 2025.